Lotuswei - Infinite Love Mist
Feel the love – for yourself of course (and for your growing baby too), this Love Mist by Lotuswei is all-natural and kind, brimming over with healthy, Organic and gentle ingredients to soothe, calm and refresh a busy mind and bring feelings of serenity back. Give yourself this gift and appreciate how wonderful you are! This Love Mist is infused with natural flower essence, including Rose, Geranium, Monarda, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Beeswax, and other kind, gentle ingredients.
Lotuswei - Infinite Love Mist
Description & product Benefits
Feel the love – for yourself of course (and for your growing baby too), this Love Mist by Lotuswei is all-natural and kind, brimming over with healthy, Organic and gentle ingredients to soothe, calm and refresh a busy mind and bring feelings of serenity back. Give yourself this gift and appreciate how wonderful you are! This Love Mist is infused with natural flower essence, including Rose, Geranium, Monarda, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Beeswax, and other kind, gentle ingredients. Banish negativity and radiate positive energy! Spray around your head and shoulders, in your bedroom, bathroom, on your sheets or your clothing – even around busy toddlers! Mama-to-Be, you deserve to feel loved (and so do you New Mama, Nursing Mama and any Mama!).