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The Alani Organics
Seal of Approval

As a trusted umbrella brand for premium quality, non-toxic, clean and kind beauty, cosmetics, and wellbeing products, we want you to feel complete peace of mind when choosing (and using) anything from our website. We know that safe skincare and wellbeing products are high on your priority list, and we know this is often even more the case if you’re a Mama-to-Be or a Mama! That’s why we’ve introduced The Alani Organics Seal of Approval. Find out more about what that means below.

What Does the Alani Organics Seal of Approval Mean?

Every single product on our website is tested. Not just by our partner brands, but by our own team. We make sure that the products do what they say they do – so you know that you will see results. We also check the ingredients’ lists thoroughly – because we have a list of BANNED INGREDIENTS (that you can access by clicking the link). None of the products contain any toxins, dangerous chemicals, or anything that might cause you or your Bubba harm. They’re all Organic too - that’s our promise!

As Natural as Possible and So Safe, for Mamas-to-Be, Mamas and Bubbas!

In fact, within our Seal of Approval, we also promise you that we choose luxury skincare and wellbeing products that are as natural as possible. Some are even safe enough to eat (see our Edible Beauty products here), using food-grade ingredients. After all, what you use on your skin should be so pure that you could ingest it, since it absorbs into your bloodstream, and as natural as can be! Of course, there are some products with preservatives, to maintain shelf-life but, the Alani Organics Seal of Approval means that any preservative is super-kind and safe enough for use throughout pregnancy, nursing and even for Bubba too.

Cruelty-Free, Eco-Friendly, Non-GMO and Vegan Too

There’s more! We don’t believe in harming fluffy creatures – or any creatures, so the products we offer aren’t tested on animals. Our partners’ products are vegan-friendly and non-GMO (along with lists of other promises too) and we do our very best to source from brands who have the same environmental approach as we do. Wherever possible, our packaging is sustainable, and we strive to reduce our carbon footprint, to protect you, your family and the world we live in.

Make the Grade!

If it hasn’t got the Alani Organics Seal of Approval, it won’t be on our website – because simply put, for us to bring any product to you, it has to make the grade!

The products offered at Alani Organics have been featured in these magazines: